A Week in Pictures!

Do you have our schedule memorized yet? If not, then here is a refresher:

(4/27) Monday is movie-night-in! Grimm is all set!

And what is a movie-night in Korea without their main staple? Fried chicken! How can it be SO delicious!! (No question mark at the end of the 'question' because that wouldn't be Konglish enough for the MARU company down the street).

(4/28) Tuesday is Tierney's Choice, which usually means going out somewhere, but I skimped on pictures last-last week, so very little evidence exists of our Tuesday, and to be honest I really can't remember if we even did anything :O So...moving on... Tuesday was the Song and Chant contest day with the Kindie kids (see previous blog post for all their performances, they are FANTASTIC!!)

(4/29) Wednesday is Taylor's Choice, which usually looks a lot like Monday :) And again, no pictures exist...shame on me!

(4/30) Thursday is usually an 'out-night' but with friends or cards with friends, and last-last week was no different...

We went out with most of the foreign staff and two of the Korean staff (Haley and Jennifer) to a local chicken/beer eatery. The plan was to play cards at our apartment afterwards, buut when the group is as lively as ours, dinners tend to go long, and by the time we were ready to leave the restaurant we were also ready for bed :)

One part of the evening not portrayed via my fantastic photography skills is before dinner, when everyone met Grimm! He was overjoyed to be around so many co-people at the same time and even did all of his tricks for the eagerly watching crowd (sit, lay down, shake, roll-over, fetch). I believe he even delicately retrieved his toy pig from the tops of some of our guests heads. Well done, Gremlin, well done!

But before I digress too far from Thursday, we had quite an event at school too! Our first Kindie Field Trip, to the fire station right next to our humble apartment, but still, it was a real riot to have all the kids do the interactive fire-fighting activity and see them all dress up in the fire fighter outfits! Much too much fun, and we will now be having a field trip each month until winter comes again! EEK!

(5/1) Friday is Date night for Taylor and I, but before we delve into the foodie-night we had, it should be known that Korea has a holiday called 'Children's Day' which is an actual bank holiday! I know, how cool is that! The actual Children's Day is May 5th, but we celebrated at DOCS (since no school was held on May 5th) on May 1st. We had a party for the Kindie kids (so Tuesday was a song/dance contest, Thursday was a field trip and the next day a party, life is tough for six-years-olds at DOCS). Here are some of the pictures of the morning :)

And a selca with a rather blurry Annie (formerly Ha Kyoung, who recently picked her English name).

One of these things is not like the other...
(Annie, myself and Pinkie)

And here is Hopey, myself and Annie again...can you guess who is almost always by my side?

And back to date-night, as promised. I took Taylor out to New York Apartment for some burgers in an area just outside of Hongdae. It was worth the little trek. I had plans to go to a live jazz club afterwards, but we were pretty beat from a long day at work, so instead we hopped on the last subway ride home and called it an early night.

(5/2) Saturday is usually a mix of going out with the girls as Taylor stays home and relaxes, and then out with co-people on the town, and last-last weekend was no exception!

I went shopping with the girls in Myeong-dong, and of course we ended at Starbucks for some much needed sustenance!

I have to represent as a Shawol, so here is a billboard of Shinee :D Aren't they lovely :P

And here is Laura and myself enjoying some potato-on-a-stick-with-cheesy-powdered-goodness which may just become a staple of my diet here, as it was just as god as it sounds, and quite fun to watch them prepare too! They actually take a whole potato (though not the size of our American Idaho ones) and twist it around a knife, then skewer it onto the above seen stick, batter it lightly, fry it up and then roll its edges in either an onion or cheese powder (like the seasonings you put on popcorn in the States). And as a bonus you can sword fight with them too! (Not recommended, pointy ends and massive crowds, but if you are feeling daring, by all means...)

After the (very successful) shopping trip, we all (including the boys) went back to the area Taylor and I had visited Friday for our date. We grabbed some food at the wood-and-lantern restaurant above, before continuing along...

 We found a remodeled church that had become a club/bar/restaurant as well as many other uniquely designed buildings and even more uniquely dressed people. Seoul really has a little of everything, though I'm sure people could say the same about any major city in the US.

 Some of Laura and my cocktails, and a little more sustenance, because walking and talking and laughing and drinking is hard work! (Don't worry, I have started a work-out routine to nullify my foodie tendencies!)

Soon after we all split a taxi home and got a good nights rest, which is a good thing considering how epic our Sunday was!


On Sunday I gave Grimm a bath...that was all...

Actually I did run a little errand to Itaewon's foreign food mart, Highstreet Market, to buy some groceries (like RANCH DRESSING *Hallelujah begins in the background*) and jalapeno chips, ect, but mainly, I just bathed/showered Grimm because his head smelled bad...? I thought he may have an ear infection causing the smell, but he now smells fine, so we may never know where his pungent head came from.

You are now (almost) caught up! And I will write on 5/4-5/10 in my next installment, which will include what Taylor and I did on our first holiday (Children's Day 5/5), home improvements, palaces, temples, national treasures, COEX mall, SM building and MORE! Don't let the suspense harm you, I promise there is more to come! 

All of my love,



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